Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
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Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    Talking Politics Over Dinner

    General Thoughts

    Have you ever tried to explain political ideology to others? For some, speaking about politics is a lot like talking about religion. One simply doesn’t do it unless they are prepared to offend or create a heated discussion. Often these heated discussions can turn for the worse because of one’s long-held and deeply seated beliefs, […]

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    Hullabaloo Stories Father’s Day Armed Forces Giveaway – Spread the Word

    General Thoughts

    If you follow my blog, you know that I recently performed a 960 Grid System site update for Hullabaloo Stories. As such, I would like to help spread the word about a giveaway happening there right now for members of the armed forces who will be deployed and separated from their families on Father’s Day. […]

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    Hullabaloo Stories Update: Another Completed Web Design Project

    Blog Tools

    On the 18th of April, I reported that I was embarking on a Web design update for the Hullabaloo Stories Web site. Today, I am happy to report that I completed this project last Friday, making it a personal record in the length of time taken for any design that I have pursued. The reason […]

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    Hullabaloo Stories Update and Cabela’s Wanna Go Fishing for Millions? Promotion

    Blog Tools, General Thoughts, New Media

    Having recently completed a site design update on my own Web site, I feel it is time to update the Hullabaloo Stories Web site. I intend to implement the 960 Grid System into the redesign as I had the update. Essentially, what I did for, I intend to do for Hullabaloo Stories. Since […]

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    Implementing the 960 Grid System in Web Design

    Blog Tools, New Media

    Recently, I ran across an article on Six Revisions entitled, “The 960 Grid System Made Easy” by Joshua Johnson. I have known about the 960 Grid System for some time now. However, I had yet, up to this point, to implement the system in any of my designs. As I had some time on my […]

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    Living an Excellent Adventure

    Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I read a Fundraising Success Magazine article by Jeff Brooks, entitled, “Go On … I Dare You: Feeling brave? Here are 10 fundraising challenges for the new year” and it got me thinking. How many of us weigh the risk versus reward each day and take chances that no one else will take? Sure, […]

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    A Few Words About KeepAmericaFishing™

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    If you’ve been following me lately, you know that I recently started a new position with the American Sportfishing Association as Web Manager for KeepAmericaFishing™. These past three weeks have been amazing and incredibly challenging in many ways. First, I have never used Salsa Labs or ExpressionEngine in a professional capacity before. My learning curve […]

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    Photography that Doesn’t Fail to Inspire

    General Thoughts

    If you’re like me, you enjoy things that satisfy and tickle your visual palette. One such instance that I recently came across is on the blog run by Asif R. Naqvi entitled, “Katarina Stefanovi?: Truly stunning.” These photos don’t fail to impress. Even for those who have no formal training in photography, such as […]

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    Working with Flash Banners

    New Media

    This week marks my second attempt and completion of creating basic flash banners advertisements using Adobe Flash. The first attempt occurred while I was employed with League of Conservation Voters last fall. I learned how to create these basic flash banners while watching Layers TV episode #126 from February 24, 2010. Raphael “RC” Concepcion is […]

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    I Have Accepted a New Position: I’m Going Fishing with

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    Today, I write with fantastic news. I have accepted a new position with the American Sportfishing Association as Web Manager of In short, this position includes the “day to day responsibility for implementing and coordinating the content, design and functionality of [Web site].” I will be implementing online fundraising, advocacy, e-marketing, search engine […]

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    I’m a Free Agent Again – Seeking a Web Developer Position

    Life Events, New Media

    Yesterday, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and I parted ways amicably. The event was no fault of my own or LCV’s. As such, I am again, back on the hunt for a new job. This time, I hope to refrain from jumping at the first offer and really consider whether it is a good […]

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    Heather Carpenter’s New Nonprofit Portfolio Web Site Design is Almost Live

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    My apologies for not posting much this month until now. I was away for familial reasons; my wife gave birth to our second child — a son. Life is rapidly unfolding for me and I couldn’t be happier. Recently, I wrote about redesigning Heather Carpenter’s Web site at The site isn’t live just yet, […]

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