Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
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Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    Seeking Change: Desiring and Making Positive Change in My Life

    Book Reviews, General Thoughts

    Today, I thought I would do something different with my blog post and share a video with you about seeking change.

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    Web Design: Its My Calling

    General Thoughts

    There’s a Confucius proverb that says, “Choose a job you love, and you never have to work a day in your life.“ I think, at this point, if you follow my blog, you know that I love Web design and Web development. I do it in my spare time as well as when someone is […]

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    Ponderings on a Random Thursday

    General Thoughts

    Today, not much different from any other day, I sit inside of a Starbucks coffee shop, slightly deviating from my normal routine of staying home to scour the job boards while waiting for an assignment from Firefly Partners. There is something about this sporadic change in my day that is invigorating and reminds me that […]

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    Reflections on Turning 30

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    Today, I turn 30. As singer Josh Groban turned 30 he commented, “My 20s have been filled with a lot of trial-by-fire moments and uncertainty, but I’m going to enjoy my 30s the way I should’ve enjoyed my 20s.” It’s a “milestone that most women (and some men) seem to approach with great trepidation, sadness […]

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    Support Fallout: Nuka Break

    General Thoughts

    If you’ve learned a little bit about me, you know that I enjoy video games and stories about apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic scenarios where philosophical questions are explored regarding the breakdown of society. As such, I would like to share with you a little gem that one of my friends on Facebook shrared with me regarding […]

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    Talking Politics Over Dinner

    General Thoughts

    Have you ever tried to explain political ideology to others? For some, speaking about politics is a lot like talking about religion. One simply doesn’t do it unless they are prepared to offend or create a heated discussion. Often these heated discussions can turn for the worse because of one’s long-held and deeply seated beliefs, […]

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    Preserving the Public Good over the Individual’s Self-Interest

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    You may have read elsewhere on this site that I have two young children at home. One, a toddler, the other, a five month-old infant. My wife and I were discussing the topic of the natural state of humans by witnessing the behaviors of our children this morning. This quickly turned to a brief discussion […]

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    Living an Excellent Adventure

    Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I read a Fundraising Success Magazine article by Jeff Brooks, entitled, “Go On … I Dare You: Feeling brave? Here are 10 fundraising challenges for the new year” and it got me thinking. How many of us weigh the risk versus reward each day and take chances that no one else will take? Sure, […]

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    The Walking Dead, Sanity and/or Spooky: A Recap of My Weekend Ahead

    General Thoughts

    (See the original on The Blot Says… blog) If you follow me, and I thank you for doing so, you know that I am a big fan of anything related to zombie lore. From my About page to one of my recent posts regarding Rhiannon Frater’s As the World Dies trilogy and my complete and […]

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    Book Review: Rhiannon Frater’s Zombie Trilogy “As the World Ends”

    Book Reviews

    If you’ve visited the “About” page on you’ve probably noticed that I enjoy reading horror novels. In particular novels about zombies, apocalyptic scenarios and the breakdown of society. I absolutely love Brian Keene’s The Rising and City of the Dead series as well as his Hammelin’s Revenge zombies in Dead Sea. Rhiannon Frater is […]

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    Appreciating the Process

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    Today marks three complete months of unemployment for me. The average, according to the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics is 32.8 weeks. I am only on week 13. Unemployment insurance will only last six months, or 26 weeks. This indicates that unemployment insurance may run out while I seek out gainful employment. […]

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    Increasingly, Incurably, Optimistic

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    My appologies. It has been some time since I last posted an article to my blog. Last week I was in San Diego, CA with my family visiting relatives. This event was planned well before I parted company with United Cerebral Palsy and it was better to proceed with the trip and recharge the batteries […]

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    Interview Question: Why the Nonprofit Sector?

    General Thoughts, Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    By now, I hope that it is apparent that I am actively searching for a new job. In April, due to organizational restructuring, I left United Cerebral Palsy. I have been doing a lot of thinking and everyday, I have been efficiently using my time to search for a new job/career through sites like, […]

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