Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
Previous Slide
Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    View my articles on npENGAGE as a contributor

    Nonprofit Communications

    This week, I am excited to announce that my first two articles were posted on npENGAGE, Blackbaud’s official blog website.

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    The nonprofit buzz word for 2014, Big Data

    Nonprofit Communications

    Nonprofits may lose focus on their mission goal when toying with the idea of using Big Data when they may already have the data they need to succeed.

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    Rethinking the nonprofit landing page

    Nonprofit Communications

    As much as we like to use the newest and latest technology on our homepage, sometimes less is more. This landing page discourse focuses on the nonprofit use of the landing page.

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    What is a Good Book About the Nonprofit Sector?

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    Even though I am in the middle of packing and about to move across the country, I have been doing a bit of thinking recently about how to generate new ideas to help shape the way that I think about the nonprofit sector. Since summer is the best time for reading books of our own […]

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    A Few Words About KeepAmericaFishing™

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    If you’ve been following me lately, you know that I recently started a new position with the American Sportfishing Association as Web Manager for KeepAmericaFishing™. These past three weeks have been amazing and incredibly challenging in many ways. First, I have never used Salsa Labs or ExpressionEngine in a professional capacity before. My learning curve […]

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    Is Traditional Online Political Advocacy Working?

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I read an article on the Huffington Post by Jake Brewer entitled, “The Tragedy of Political Advocacy.” This article questions the effectiveness of online political advocacy in reaching the intended recipient, in this case and most often, Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Brewer writes, “[d]espite how good your civic action may have made you […]

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    Measuring Performance with the End Outcome in Mind

    Nonprofit Communications

    In relation to a previous post, “Measuring Performance, ROI and The Production Line,” I would like to suggest that you take a moment and read this excellent post from Beth Kanter, “Get Your Social Media Strategy in Shape With Spreadsheet Aerobics.” What is most impressive about this article is the approach she takes to data […]

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    Deciding on a Nonprofit-focused Master’s Degree Program

    Nonprofit Communications

    Today, thanks to Heather Mansfield, who runs the Twitter NonprofitOrgs profile, I came across a great article that I would like to share with you. Entitled, “Setting the Record Straight about Nonprofit-Focused Graduate Degrees” by Nonprofit Leadership 601. This is a great article that explains the subtle differences in nonprofit-focused master’s degree programs. I chose […]

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    New Horizons

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    This week, I started a new position with the Leage of Conservation Voters (LCV) as Manager of Grassroots Advocacy and Online Advocacy. This nonprofit is an environmentally focused nonprofit that has a 501(c)(4), 501(c)(3), PAC and 527 legal recognition. What makes this organization great is that they can name names without jeopardizing their nonprofit status […]

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    E-mail Marketing: When to Send, When to Refresh and How to Activate your List

    Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I came across another thread from the Progressive Exchange listserve that I couldn’t resist posting about here on Williteration. The question that arose was at what time during the week is a good time to launch a mass e-mail from a platform such as Convio eCRM platform, or one similar to it, such as […]

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    Strategy: Four Simple Steps to Migrate from an E-Newsletter to a Blog

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    Recently I wrote a response to the Progressive Exchange Listserve regarding the question of whether or not to convert an active e-newsletter into a blog. The short answer, in my opinion is yes, you should convert your regular e-newsletter into a blog. But only if it makes sense for your organization to do so. For […]

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    Job Search: Anxiety, Insecurity or Doing the Right Things?

    General Thoughts

    I just read this article entitled, “Day in the Life of a Successful Job Seeker” at Careerealism and it got me thinking. Have I been doing many of the things listed here that are considered “activities proven to be worst use of time for job seekers?” I certainly have been combing the job boards on […]

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    Résumé Update

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    A couple of events have happened to me recently. Graduation from graduate school being one of them, I decided it was time to update my résumé to modernize it as well as reflect the goals I have now that I hold a Masters degree in Public Administration. Recently, I came across an e-newsletter from Doostang […]

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    Measuring Performance, ROI and The Production Line

    Nonprofit Communications

    What mortality/injury rate is acceptable to meet safety standards in the quality of our roadway infrastructure? In our cars? In the products we use everyday? The homes and buildings we occupy? The toys we let our children play with? With the recent introductions of, under the Barack Obama Administration and the Program Assessment […]

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