Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
Previous Slide
Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    View my articles on npENGAGE as a contributor

    Nonprofit Communications

    This week, I am excited to announce that my first two articles were posted on npENGAGE, Blackbaud’s official blog website.

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    Fundraise and support the causes you love, all while doing it your way with everydayhero

    Nonprofit Communications

    Giving is more than just money. See the impact of all that you give including time, effort and recruiting others to join you using everydayhero.

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    The nonprofit buzz word for 2014, Big Data

    Nonprofit Communications

    Nonprofits may lose focus on their mission goal when toying with the idea of using Big Data when they may already have the data they need to succeed.

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    Rethinking the nonprofit landing page

    Nonprofit Communications

    As much as we like to use the newest and latest technology on our homepage, sometimes less is more. This landing page discourse focuses on the nonprofit use of the landing page.

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    Three Months on the Job at Blackbaud and Still Loving What I Do

    Nonprofit Communications

    My unscheduled hours throughout the day at Blackbaud are getting fewer and fewer. Yet, all that I can say is that I love my job.

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    Working with Blackbaud

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    I recently started working for Blackbaud on their Sphere platform as a consultant for nonprofit clients. This is my story, so far.

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    The Purpose of this Website… Fulfilled

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    The purpose of my website has rendered itself fulfilled by helping me to find gainful and meaningful employment. I have found a position with Blackbaud serving nonprofit clients to help them achieve their respective fundraising, advocacy, and mission goals.

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    …And So Begins My San Diego, CA Job Search

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    Now that my cross-country move to San Diego, California is complete, I thought I would provide a quick update about my job search. My current employer, the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), whom I am performing remote work for, is through their second round of interviews for my replacement as the Web Manager for KeepAmericaFishing, leaving […]

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    In Search of a Job in the Government / Public Sector? Please Hold…

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    I happen to agree with the dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the director of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs who contend “that the government continues to drive away a majority of graduate degree holders” in the recent Washington Post opinion article, “The federal government is still too slow to […]

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    Adventures in Facebook Advertising

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    Today, as I recently revealed that I am moving, I decided to think outside the box and try something new, in an effort to get the attention of hiring managers in the San Diego, California area. I placed an advertisement on Facebook and targeted it specifically to people within a twenty-five mile radius of San […]

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    What is a Good Book About the Nonprofit Sector?

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    Even though I am in the middle of packing and about to move across the country, I have been doing a bit of thinking recently about how to generate new ideas to help shape the way that I think about the nonprofit sector. Since summer is the best time for reading books of our own […]

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    A SoCal State of Mind

    Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, my wife was offered a position with a school district in Southern California. This means that I will be relocating with my family back to the West Coast by the middle of July, 2011. Fortunately, my employer offered to let me stay on and work remotely while they find my replacement to work in […]

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    E-marketing: Managing an E-mail Marketing Platform Migration

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    Over the last couple of weeks I have been in charge of a migration from one Salsa Labs platform to another. The reason for this seemingly meaningless and unrecognizable change, at first glance to the end-user, is to host the KeepAmericaFishing™ actions, e-mail and donation forms on their own dedicated IP address. Previously, KeepAmericaFishing actions, […]

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    Preserving the Public Good over the Individual’s Self-Interest

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    You may have read elsewhere on this site that I have two young children at home. One, a toddler, the other, a five month-old infant. My wife and I were discussing the topic of the natural state of humans by witnessing the behaviors of our children this morning. This quickly turned to a brief discussion […]

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