Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
Previous Slide
Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    E-mail Marketing: When to Send, When to Refresh and How to Activate your List

    Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I came across another thread from the Progressive Exchange listserve that I couldn’t resist posting about here on Williteration. The question that arose was at what time during the week is a good time to launch a mass e-mail from a platform such as Convio eCRM platform, or one similar to it, such as […]

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    Strategy: Four Simple Steps to Migrate from an E-Newsletter to a Blog

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    Recently I wrote a response to the Progressive Exchange Listserve regarding the question of whether or not to convert an active e-newsletter into a blog. The short answer, in my opinion is yes, you should convert your regular e-newsletter into a blog. But only if it makes sense for your organization to do so. For […]

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    Network Weaving in a Nonprofit Social Media / New Media Space

    New Media, Nonprofit Communications

    Mark Hrywna of the The Nonprofit Times recently published an article titled, “Social Network Fundraising Creating Jobs” reviewing the “Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report,” released recently by Portland, Oregon-based Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN), ThePort Network in Atlanta, and Common Knowledge in San Francisco. During his synopsis of the report, he discusses that when a nonprofit […]

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    Job Search: Anxiety, Insecurity or Doing the Right Things?

    General Thoughts

    I just read this article entitled, “Day in the Life of a Successful Job Seeker” at Careerealism and it got me thinking. Have I been doing many of the things listed here that are considered “activities proven to be worst use of time for job seekers?” I certainly have been combing the job boards on […]

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    Interview Question: Why the Nonprofit Sector?

    General Thoughts, Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    By now, I hope that it is apparent that I am actively searching for a new job. In April, due to organizational restructuring, I left United Cerebral Palsy. I have been doing a lot of thinking and everyday, I have been efficiently using my time to search for a new job/career through sites like, […]

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    Résumé Update

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    A couple of events have happened to me recently. Graduation from graduate school being one of them, I decided it was time to update my résumé to modernize it as well as reflect the goals I have now that I hold a Masters degree in Public Administration. Recently, I came across an e-newsletter from Doostang […]

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    Measuring Performance, ROI and The Production Line

    Nonprofit Communications

    What mortality/injury rate is acceptable to meet safety standards in the quality of our roadway infrastructure? In our cars? In the products we use everyday? The homes and buildings we occupy? The toys we let our children play with? With the recent introductions of, under the Barack Obama Administration and the Program Assessment […]

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    Embrace Your Creative Side – Tell Your Inner Child It’s Time to Play

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    I visited the Nonprofit Execs on the Edge blog recently and found a post entitled, “Nonprofits: a checklist of what not to say – ever” and after watching this video, it got me thinkning.

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    Online Fundraising & Nonprofits

    Nonprofit Communications

    On Wednesday, I lead a discussion about online fundraising for United Cerebral Palsy as a part of the national office’s monthly development conference call. The event was a success by personal standards. However, a few things came to my attention during the call that I had not realized prior to conducting the call. Many UCP […]

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    My Masters Degree Has Finally Arrived in the Mail

    General Thoughts

    Yesterday, my Masters Degree arrived in the mail from George Mason University. Even though I completed my coursework in December 2009, the degree was conferred on January 9, 2010. Does this make me a smarter person? That is anyone’s guess. However, it does demonstrate that I am willing to apply myself in any prolonged endeavor […]

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    Nonprofit Membership Renewal Fundraising Appeal?

    Nonprofit Communications

    As my organization gets ready to send out it’s annual membership renewal fundraising appeal (you can view it here), I have been thinking about it and I wonder; as a recipient of one of these messages, are you likely to respond to them? What do you respond to the most in these or any other […]

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    Quick Update: My New iPhone and Sidebar Functionality

    Blog Tools, General Thoughts

    Last weekend, my wife and I purchased new 3GS iPhones; mine black and hers’ white. In doing so, I have a new found tool at my disposal to readily communicate with the world — my thoughts, anecdotes or just a quick update. I have already found many apps that I can put to good use […]

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