Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
Previous Slide
Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

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    Latest project: Sigma Phi Epsilon Nevada Alpha Alumni and Volunteer Corporation website

    Blog Tools, General Thoughts, WordPress Theme Templates

    Today, I announced publicly that I established a new web address for the Sigma Phi Epsilon Nevada Alpha Alumni to call home.

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    Seeking Change: Desiring and Making Positive Change in My Life

    Book Reviews, General Thoughts

    Today, I thought I would do something different with my blog post and share a video with you about seeking change.

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    …And So Begins My San Diego, CA Job Search

    General Thoughts, Nonprofit Communications

    Now that my cross-country move to San Diego, California is complete, I thought I would provide a quick update about my job search. My current employer, the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), whom I am performing remote work for, is through their second round of interviews for my replacement as the Web Manager for KeepAmericaFishing, leaving […]

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    Reflections on Turning 30

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    Today, I turn 30. As singer Josh Groban turned 30 he commented, “My 20s have been filled with a lot of trial-by-fire moments and uncertainty, but I’m going to enjoy my 30s the way I should’ve enjoyed my 20s.” It’s a “milestone that most women (and some men) seem to approach with great trepidation, sadness […]

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    Talking Politics Over Dinner

    General Thoughts

    Have you ever tried to explain political ideology to others? For some, speaking about politics is a lot like talking about religion. One simply doesn’t do it unless they are prepared to offend or create a heated discussion. Often these heated discussions can turn for the worse because of one’s long-held and deeply seated beliefs, […]

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    Living an Excellent Adventure

    Nonprofit Communications

    Recently, I read a Fundraising Success Magazine article by Jeff Brooks, entitled, “Go On … I Dare You: Feeling brave? Here are 10 fundraising challenges for the new year” and it got me thinking. How many of us weigh the risk versus reward each day and take chances that no one else will take? Sure, […]

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    Deciding on a Nonprofit-focused Master’s Degree Program

    Nonprofit Communications

    Today, thanks to Heather Mansfield, who runs the Twitter NonprofitOrgs profile, I came across a great article that I would like to share with you. Entitled, “Setting the Record Straight about Nonprofit-Focused Graduate Degrees” by Nonprofit Leadership 601. This is a great article that explains the subtle differences in nonprofit-focused master’s degree programs. I chose […]

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    Increasingly, Incurably, Optimistic

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    My appologies. It has been some time since I last posted an article to my blog. Last week I was in San Diego, CA with my family visiting relatives. This event was planned well before I parted company with United Cerebral Palsy and it was better to proceed with the trip and recharge the batteries […]

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    Interview Question: Why the Nonprofit Sector?

    General Thoughts, Life Events, Nonprofit Communications

    By now, I hope that it is apparent that I am actively searching for a new job. In April, due to organizational restructuring, I left United Cerebral Palsy. I have been doing a lot of thinking and everyday, I have been efficiently using my time to search for a new job/career through sites like, […]

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    Résumé Update

    General Thoughts, Life Events

    A couple of events have happened to me recently. Graduation from graduate school being one of them, I decided it was time to update my résumé to modernize it as well as reflect the goals I have now that I hold a Masters degree in Public Administration. Recently, I came across an e-newsletter from Doostang […]

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    What Does It Take To Make A Group on LinkedIn Work?

    New Media

    While I was building my personal Web site here at, I was also exploring new ways to increase my networking capability in the “real world,” post-graduation from graduate school. As I am experienced with many social networking techniques and new media strategies, I decided to look for a group of alumni on the LinkedIn […]

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    My Masters Degree Has Finally Arrived in the Mail

    General Thoughts

    Yesterday, my Masters Degree arrived in the mail from George Mason University. Even though I completed my coursework in December 2009, the degree was conferred on January 9, 2010. Does this make me a smarter person? That is anyone’s guess. However, it does demonstrate that I am willing to apply myself in any prolonged endeavor […]

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