Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
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Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

Arcade-style Gaming on the iPad using the iCADE

General Thoughts

iCade for the iPadI just stumbled across something wonderful while browsing some posts on Abuzeedo. It’s the iCADE – The iPad Arcade Cabinet. “The iCADE uses Bluetooth to connect to the iPad so there’s nothing else you need to do. You’re ready to ‘insert coin’ and game on!”

For only $100, a fifth of what the iPad costs, this little baby can be yours. This creative and ingenious invention was developed by ThinkGeek. This product surely will not disappoint because it is bringing back nostalgia for classic arcade games to all of those Gen-X and Millennials out there.

What do you think? Does this look like something you would enjoy having as your own?

*Disclaimer: I was in no way prompted to speak on behalf of the iCade or ThinkGeek. My opinion is my own and I have not been approached by any entity or party to discuss it.

- Will

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