Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
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Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

Snowpocalypse 2010

General Thoughts
Snowpocalypse 2010

Today, I had some time to take a short video using the family Kodak Zi8 pocket camera (read a review from the Boston Globe). As my family and I live in the Northern Virginia/Washington, DC Metro Area, we received a lot of snow since Friday evening.

What do you think? Did we get enough snow, or could we use some more?

As a result, the Federal Government in the area has been closed since mid-afternoon on Friday, February 5th. United Cerebral Palsy, where I work, follows the Federal Government and has also been closed since then. However, employees have been working in a light capacity to get the regular communications out and to keep on task with any major deadlines approaching via VPN and logging in remotely. I am a part of the line-staff for UCP so, even though I am not in management, I take my job seriously and will do my part to make sure that the job gets done and for the fact that good people have donated their money to UCP and I would hate to take their donations for granted.

I also just received word that the Federal Government will be closed again tomorrow. I think it will be nice to get back into the office soon, but for now, this is like a pseudo-vacation because I don’t have to get dressed up everday and I can sleep in because I don’t have to commute. I hope I can telecommute more often in the future.

*Disclaimer: My opinion of this camera is my own and I have not been approached by any entity or party to discuss it.

- Will

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