Slide 1
Slide 2: Statistical Research and Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
Slide 3: e-Marketing / SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML / CSS / Photoshop
Slide 4: Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Slide 5
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Union Station
Statistical and Research Methods, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, SPSS Statistical Software
E-Marketing/SEO, Social Networking, Blogging, HTML/CSS/Photoshop
Adobe Creative Suite, Web Design, Database Management, Microsoft Office
Washington Monument in Red
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What I'm Saying.

Quick Update: My New iPhone and Sidebar Functionality

Blog Tools, General Thoughts

Source: Black & White iPhone 3GS Comparison by humedini on FlickrLast weekend, my wife and I purchased new 3GS iPhones; mine black and hers’ white. In doing so, I have a new found tool at my disposal to readily communicate with the world — my thoughts, anecdotes or just a quick update. I have already found many apps that I can put to good use including a WordPress app. However, I am still debating whether or not to sync up with Posterous because posting is as easy as sending an e-mail; making life-streaming even easier.

Second, I would like to point out some new sidebar “widgets” on this blog. My goal is simplicity, but it is also to connect those reading here with my life. So striking the right balance is something I am working on. I don’t wish to inundate the user with too many flashy things that might distract them from reading, but I would like to share what I am doing elsewhere, beyond this blog. What do you think? Should I cut back or do you think it is fine how it is, currently?

Finally, because I am not in the habit of writing regularly, you may find these initial posts a little haphazardly linked from one thought to the next. I don’t intend to focus purely on professional topics, but I do intend to say what is on my mind from one thing to the next. Life happens and I should be able to reflect on my life and all of its idiosyncrasies and perhaps this could be an exercise in writing close to what can be considered “stream of consciousness” or maybe not. I do, however, seek to explore those things that are around me, whether it be social media and its application for nonprofits/the public domain or just what happens in my free time. Everything’s game.

I hope you agree and are willing to, as appropriate as this may seem, now that the new Alice in Wonderland is officially released today, follow me “down the rabbit hole;” however far down it may go.

*By the way, I am a sucker for all things Tim Burton, Danny Elfman whenever they team up with Johnny Depp.

- Will

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